Thursday 14 February 2019

Theatre trips, Trolls and Treetop Playparks: Ella's awesome 5th Birthday!

We have a five year old! It's been a busy action packed week of celebrating that kicked off with a theatre trip in Edinburgh!

I was keen for this just to be an Ella & Mommy outing, since we haven't had many of those since Addison came along.  We went to the Hard Rock Cafe because we plan our meals out around milkshakes! Ella gave her Oreo one the thumbs up!

and she was especially pleased with her cute guitar plate of food too! 

She enjoyed that giant screen behind us that showed continuous music videos - and loved asking who all the bands were, and found 'The Beatles' particularly hilarious - like the bug??! 

Aside from the shakes, the other reason I picked Hard Rock was because I knew they make a fuss about birthdays! So not only did the waiters come and sing happy birthday to Ella, but the whole restaurant joined in! I thought she'd love it, but actually she was a little unsure and after told me the whole thing was 'very embarrassing'!! but she did enjoy the free birthday ice cream sundae they gave her! 

After going to the wrong theatre, we had to hotfoot it to the other side of town in a taxi to make the show on time.  Ella was delighted because she'd never been in a taxi before, but sad that I didn't hail it from the side of the road by yelling taxi (there was a taxi rank right in front of the wrong theatre!) We eventually made it to Cat in the Hat which was just so fun! I grew up being taken on lots of theatre trips, just my mom and I, and so I loved carrying on the tradition with Ella!

Since we were in the wrong part of town, we had to catch a bus back to our car - and I think the taxi and bus trip might have been just as exciting as the theatre and meal! 

The next evening we had another fun meal out at our fave restuarant in the Borders - The Hoebridge. What made it even more fun was our friend Chelsey and her family were over visiting from America.  She used to be Ella's much beloved primary teacher at church so it was a happy reunion for the birthday girl! We had a delicious meal and loved catching up.

Finally Friday rolled around - the 8th! the big day! and someone was super excited to open her prezzies! She told us the night before she was going to wake up super early...but we all know what a late riser she is and we ended up having to wake her so that she'd have time to open her prezzies before school! 

We had so many lovely gifts sent from far and wide - it always amazes me how thoughtful our friends are to always remember our kids birthdays! 

Opening a Hermoine costume from Auntie Mara! Her Harry Potter obsession has reached new heights so she was thrilled with this.

The wig is especially hilarious!! and that big package in the first pic was her trampoline!

 We don't usually buy her such big presents for a birthday, but since storm Ali destroyed hers last September she has been patiently waiting for a replacement ever since! Byron put it together with my dad over the weekend, and she couldn't wait to go for her first bounce! 

After a quick morning at school (she only has half day school on Fridays) it was time for her eagerly awaited Trolls party! 

Daddy took the day off work, so he was there to help out and be dj for all the games!

Auntie Mara had flown in from London the night before, and did an awesome job decorating the room! 

I had to do the annual photo bunting with photos from each month of the year. 

She got an impressive array of number 5 birthday cards - no two were the same! no easy feat when you live in a town with as few shops as ours!! 

The cake request was rainbows and trolls! and then it was time for the guests to arrive! She invited 7 little friends from her class at school.

My lovely friend Gillian came and lent a hand with her face painting skills! 

One very happy butterfly!

and then it was party games galore - these girls are some good dancers! 

Strutting their stuff!

and another lovely friend Annalee painted all the girls nails like a pro! Glitter was definitely the order of the day.

Flying dresses and flying hair!

Time for the birthday song, Ella was so eager she nearly blew out the candles before the song was even over!

Ella got her face painted like a real troll!

and then we got a group shot of these gorgeous girls!

and of course a silly one too!

Once all the party bags had been handed out and everyone went home, it was present opening time.  She really got spoilt with some lovely gifts, and has been busy arting and crafting ever since with some of her creative prezzies.

I loved the happy mess left behind!

Later that evening Granny and Grandad and Auntie Alli arrived, and the next day we headed to Dalkeith Country Park.

They had just opened a new part of their awesome playpark.  

Ella and Daddy got stuck in with some mega slide racing!

Despite the wind, it was a beautifully sunny day.

We all had a go on the treetop walk! even Addison!

and she could also join in on the roundabout too!

Balloon swords and more face painting made for extra fun.

A butterfly for 2 days running!

Check out that blue sky! The balloon man could only make balloon swords and nothing else so he insisted on making one for us all!

Our happy little gymnast!

She also braved her fear of the dark slide this time around!

Turns out it was super slow and not scary at all.

Love this little family of mine.

and these two gorgeous girls! Ella is the best big sister, and gets so excited when Addison gets to join in the big girl fun!

Cuddles with Granny after throwing some pennies in the fountain.  

We sure do love it when family come to visit! 

and we sure do love this big grown up 5 year old! (Playing pie face which was a prezzie from Granny Kathy.)

She is smart, and kind and loves to help others (she even offered to help me clear up Addison's sick when she got in from school this afternoon!!!) She adores Addison, and is just the most wonderful big sister to her.  She is so funny, and makes us laugh with all the witty comments she comes out with, or sometimes just the tone of voice she uses! She is enthusiastic, and joyful about life! I can't believe she is growing up so super fast, but we love the girl she is becoming! 

Here's to another year of fun and adventure and learning!